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  • info@kumekuchaafricasafaris.com

Trekking and climbing itinerary


Kumekucha Africa Tour and Safaris want you to reach the summit of Kilimanjaro Uhuru peak it’s about 5885m above the sea level equal to 19,340 ft is the highest mountain in Africa, are a tallest freestanding mountain in the world and one of the largest volcano mountain. When you climbing with Kumekucha Africa tours and safari you can be sure that we are giving the best chance to reach the summit ( Uhuru peak ) our highly experienced mountain guides will adjust their walking speed to monitored breathing and oxygen saturation to your physical ability.

Oldonyo Lengai

Tanzania’s only officially-certified active volcano, and the world’s only carbonatite volcano; records of eruptions have been maintained since 1883, the largest of which deposited ash 100 kilometers away in Loliondo

Oldonyo Lengai, the sacred mountain of the Masai towers above the remote plains south of Lake Natron in northern Tanzania’s Arusha region it about  3000m above sea-level.

The local Masai respect it as holy Mountain of God and home to their God Ngai.

Mount Meru

Tanzania's second-highest mountain and the fourth highest mountain in Africa Mount Meru is an active (but dormant) it standing at 4562 above sea level.

Meru is located in Arusha National Park; hikers must climb with an armed ranger due to the wide range of wildlife living on the mountain. On the lower slopes of the mountain, hikers are more likely to see elephants, giraffes, and buffalo! As hikers continue their ascents, the trail follows the north rim of the volcano’s crater along a dramatic ridgeline. Throughout the climb, hikers sleep in designated huts along the trail. Hikers reach the summit as the sun is rising and they will have spectacular views of Mt. Kilimanjaro and of the Mt. Meru Crater.

Udzungwa Mountain

The most popular hike is up to Sanje Waterfalls, swimming in plunge pools, and enjoying the spectacular view. There are more than 400 bird species, 2500 plant species (25% of which are endemics) and 6 primate species. It has the second largest biodiversity of a national park in Africa. Six primate species have been recorded, five of which are endemic. The Iringa red colobus and Sanje crested mangabey are only found in the Udzungwa Mountains National Park, the mangabey species was undetected by biologists prior to 1979.

as the park has no roads and is accessible only on foot. The hiking trails range in difficulty from the short one-hour Sonjo trek to the extremely challenging 6-day camping trek the Lumemo Trail. The most common walk is the Sanje Waterfalls trail which takes approximately four hours to complete and allows the visitor access to the stunning 170 m waterfall and includes swimming in the waterfall plunge pools as part of the activity

Usambara Mountain

The Usambara Mountains are considered to be a biodiversity hotspot due to a high degree of endemism in the flora and fauna found there. This mountain range was formed millions of years ago and has remained relatively undisturbed for most of that time, which has given rise to the growth of old forest and other treasures. The Usambara and the Pare Mountains form part of the Eastern Arc Mountain Range.

Visitors come here to take a break from the heat and dust of the northern safari circuit and to just enjoy the lush green surroundings and champagne air. The Usambara Mountains offer amazing views, historic sites and idyllic trails to explore. The fertile mountain slopes are dotted with small villages and farms but for the most part they are covered with tropical forests.